08 June 2009

Photo Updates

First, things growing...
These eggplant (Thai Yellow Eggplant) were transplanted last week and have really taken off...
From top to bottom - Royal Purple Basil, King of the North Peppers, Ilini Star Tomatoes, and a tomato I have forgotten the name of (it's yellow).

Beautiful, sweet smelling, no longer in bloom - lilac...
One of my MIL's favorite - columbine

Then, my poor, pathetic-looking, fur-less dog... the following picture is not for the faint of heart... We thought she had one 'hot spot' on her side, and a few on the side of her face. The vet started with where we thought there were spots, and just had to keep going. Any thoughts as to what allergy she has (as the vet has determined that her issues are an allergic reaction) would be greatly appreciated!


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