15 December 2007


So B and I started and finished our shopping for Christmas today. I'm proud that we're done, and most of the things we got for folks didn't make me cringe. B commented that some people would be SO fun to buy for - the folks who love the tacky decorations all over - but we don't really know anyone like that. Good thing too, 'cause that would make me cringe.

Princess Goopy Eye (A.K.A. Mrs. Wigglesnort) appeared to have had a problem remaining on her four paws today. She nudged me when she came in the door when we got home. I looked down on my leg where she had plowed into me and saw a large brownish splotch. It wasn't the same color as the mud she gets into, so I was immediately suspicious. One sniff confirmed it - I'd been poopified! YUCK! I was just glad it was B's turn to bathe her. On a side note, she smells REALLY good now!

I also did some math tonight. Did you know that for every minute I am in class next quarter (440 minutes per day, 2 days per week, 2 of those days are holidays, which makes 17 days) My tuition works out to 55 cents PER MINUTE?! I want to know where it all goes! (Try it - $4,101 for the quarter)

On to happier things... I've updated my wish list... again! Maybe I'll go work on that some more before I go to bed...


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