23 July 2009

Round and Round we go...

We stopped at the Punalu'u Bake Shop - the southernmost bakery in the US. The guava bread is FANTASTIC!

My Grandma at the Black Sand Beach

The black sand in Brian's hand - it's much more coarse than regular sand - created by hot lava hitting the cold sea water and shattering.

Notice the contrast between the stark lava field and the green hills beyond.

Our trip to the volcano was, um, interesting. Between the sign below, and the rain...

Brian got out of the car and turned for a picture - less than 30 seconds - look how wet he got!
This is the visitor center at the volcano - and the waterfall coming off the roof
Just for my father-in-law....


Kathy and Mimi ;) said...

Guava bread sound really interesting! Looks like your having fun!!!

Dusty said...

great pictures!!!!